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Love and kindness are in the air ...

par Sabah Ghodbane

Last week was filled with love, joy and kindness as we celebrated Valentine’s Day and Random Acts of Kindness Day.

Every February 14th, Valentine’s Day is a holiday commonly associated with love of the romantic kind. But we all know that this day can also be used to celebrate other types of love, such as family and friendship or self-love. Below, you can see some messages, declarations of love or friendships and acrostic poems that the pupils in 6ème B, C and E wrote for the occasion.

Random Act of Kindness Day, which occurs annually on February 17th, started more than 40 years ago in the San Francisco Bay Area after an article by writer and activist Anna Hebert, “Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Acts of Senseless Beauty” appeared. The kindness movement began to spread in surrounding communities and more and more people wanted to take part in it. Today many organizations and schools embrace the movement with various initiatives/campaigns, always in an effort to remind the world that a simple act of kindness is sometimes all it takes to change a person’s day, week, possibly their life. Some examples of acts of kindness : share a snack, smile, encourage a friend, give an unexpected gift or thank your teacher. Many other ideas on this link :

I hope you will be encouraged to express your love and gratitude to those you kow or not. Doing something nice for someone doesn’t cost a lot of time or money. It’s the small things in life that can make a big difference.

Mrs Ghodbane